I will achieve this by reading for 20 minutes every-night before bed.
The people that will help me achieve this are Miss Fisher.
My maths goal is to learn the times table up to 10.
I will achieve this by practicing after-school every second night for 10 minutes and 5 minutes in the morning before school.
The people that will help me achieve this are my mum, my brother and Miss Fisher.
I will achieve this by practicing after-school every second night for 10 minutes and 5 minutes in the morning before school.
The people that will help me achieve this are my mum, my brother and Miss Fisher.
My personal goal is not fiddle to in class.
I will achieve this by sitting on my hands, or clearing my desk so there are no temptations.
The people that will help me achieve this are Miss Fisher, and the people around me at our table.
The people that will help me achieve this are Miss Fisher, and the people around me at our table.
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