Monday, February 29, 2016

R.E.A.C.H Award

In assembly I received a R.E.A.C.H for my hard work in maths. I am very proud of this award.


WALT:  locate  information in-continuous texts
Our task was to make a wanted poster about a real person or a made up person using a website called My wanted person is Tony Stark. When looking at my poster people should be able to find important information from it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Non-stop cricket!

Today Room 9 played non-stop cricket after morning tea. First we watched a video in class on how to catch a cricket ball, then we practice some catching outside.
After we played a game of non-stop cricket, a mix up of boys and girls. After a few games, we played girls vs. boys, it was a good game, I enjoyed it.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


It was our first session at technology this week. I am in science, and we looked at nucleation through putting mentos in coke bottles. I really enjoyed this experiment. My favourite part was drinking the coke afterwards. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Tagul

WALT: Understand how what you say online affects others.

In class we watched a video about Patty who was being Cyber Bullied by her peers online. They were saying horrible things. It was our task to make a tagul about how Patty felt after all her peers had said these mean things. I now understand that its not right to cyberbully, and that I need to be careful with the things that I say online.

My Goals

My reading goal  is to read read 5 chapter books every second month.
I will achieve this by reading for 20 minutes every-night before bed.
The people that will help me achieve this are Miss Fisher.

My maths goal is to learn the times table up to 10.
I will achieve this by practicing after-school every second night for 10 minutes and 5 minutes in the morning before school.
The people that will help me achieve this are my mum, my brother and Miss Fisher.

My  personal goal is not fiddle to in class. 
I will achieve this by sitting on my hands, or clearing my desk so there are no temptations.
The people that will help me achieve this are Miss Fisher, and the people around me at our table.